

Saturday, October 27, 2012


I'd love to do well spaced blog posts with periodic updates like I used to. But it's too busy for that, so I present to you, a blog-post diarrhea:
Check out what I got.

With your kids, you pass along life lessons. I taught the squeek the banana smile.

Here's med school Chris teaching the chilluns "ring around the rosey."
Chris, you're my hero.

I just love the look in her eyes here. Laura informed me
that the poopy diaper pictured here may still be plastered on the
bottom of the trash can outside. mmmmm.

At the locks (lochs?  no, locks). 

Marcus-san and kev-beau  chillin w the squeek.
Now to switch moods for a moment, sienna has been way into singing lately. This is way cool. She's always sorta been into rhythm, banging on drums and stuff like that. but now she sings, and it rules. check it out:
So, it was grampa jim's birthday and earlier in the day we had called to sing happy birthday. after she went to bed, apparently she still had the song stuck in her head.

I noted a picture opportunity. The look on laura's face is, "uhh, is this safe..."
The answer is no, it's not safe. Unless you have cruise control, which I do,
in which case it's super safe.

She's 35 weeks preggo, but for some odd reason she doesn't look preggers at all

helpin me study for the pharmacology midterm

Another one for the "where's sienna file"

She's much like her parents when she wants to be. very polite, waiting
patiently for her turn at gymnastics.

fairy house!

You're updated!